Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Santa left me a new point in shoot camera for Christmas (seeing how the last one he left was made in 2001, but I digress). Here is what my holiday looked like:

Since my stand-by studio camera is arguably one of the most heavy medium format cameras (Fuji GX680) and therefore is on a stand at all times, the freedom of caring around a little camera everywhere is an experience I'd almost forgot, and one that I missed.

Joseph Murray Jewelry

January seems to always start with a lul, so I've been taking advantage of the past few days to create a new printed portfolio. While going through old images and retouching new ones, I found this.

The necklace is by Joseph Murray (you can find his work in Bergdorf Goodman). I love the stones he uses and his pieces are so natural in form. I can't get enough of them. Joseph gave me a lot of creative license in lighting the shots and I love how the stones play with light creating this variegated shadow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gilt Groupe

New Client: Gilt Groupe. I love them on so many levels!